Spin class singapore

Best spin class in Singapore (2023 edition)

The ultimate review of the 12 best spin classses in Singapore for 2023

spin class singapore


Finding the best spin class studio in Singapore comes with a lot of questions for example how much does it cost, where is the studio, wich brand is the bike for the spin class ...  

Because we love cycling indoor, the team Onesprint have selected for you the best spin class in Singapore in 2023 in alphabetical order


1. Absolute Cycle

AbsoluteCycle Spin class Singapore


Studio: 4 spin class studios
Location: Millenia Walk, OUE Downtown Gallery,The Centrepoint, i12 Katong Mall
Price: S$49 per session (except package & first class)
Quality of the spin bike: Correct


2. Aurora

Aurora Spin Class Singapore

Studio:  1 spin class studio
Location: South Beach Quarter
Price: S$55  per session (except package & first class)
Quality of the spin bike: Good


3. Axiom


Axiome Spin Class Singapore


Studio:  1 spin class studio
Location:  Lorong Mambong (Holland Village)
Price: S$ 40 per session (except package & first class)
Quality of the spin bike: Good

4. CruCycle 

crucycle spin class singapore

Studio:  1 spin class studio
Location: Duxton Rd
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)

5. Fitness First


ftinessfirst spin class singapore

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:

6. Ground Zero

groundzero spin class spingapore

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:


7. Popsicle Rhythmic Cycling

pop spin class singapore

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:

8. Pure Fitness

purefitness spin class singapore

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:

9. R10T

r10t spin class singapore

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:
Quality of the spin bike: Correct


10. Revolution

revolution spin class

Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:
Quality of the spin bike: Good

11. Sync Cycle

SyncCycle spin class


Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:
Quality of the spin bike: Correct

12. Virgin Active

virgineactive spin class singapore


Studio:  spin class studio
Price: S$ per session (except package & first class)
First spin class:
Quality of the spin bike: Very Good

Peloton bike onesprint

Spin bike

see the bike